Shallow Side – KLICK IT? OR FLICK IT?
Artist = Shallow Side
Album = One
Results = KLICK IT
Band Members:
Vocals: Eric Boatright
Guitar/Keyboard: Seth Trimble
Drums: Heath Fields
Bass/Guitar: Cody Hampton
Stay here, keep the southern vibe because that is the niche – the vocals are loose aka not forced – instrumental is clean it is where they are meant to be – tracks like these are bringing the old southern rock back – the Blackfoot’s, the Allman brothers etc. – keep that vibe – it is a breath of fresh air that is long overdue – we need to get these Shallow Side on tour with Blacktop Mojo and bring that southern rock back in full swing.
The drums on this album really stand out – at some points on the album the drums actually out shined the vocals and in a band that is hard to do especially when the vocals are so upfront so bravo Heath to that.
Missing – a ballad – there is no ballad – not every album needs one but I think this one does and that is based on the extreme vocal transformation of Eric. The maturity in his voice really shines thru on these tracks and adding just that one heart wrenching ballad would have upped this album that much more for me
A little more about Eric’s vocal growth on this record – when I first got the release for Rebel I thought it was Jared Weeks on vocals – so impressed with the roundness in Eric’s voice – he has managed to put the seduction into his voice.
Rebel: Kicks off with fantastic guitar that is deep in tone and soulful, down home rock and roll that makes you want to start a bonfire with your friends while drinking some beers cause “I DON’T GIVE A FUCK!” “LAWD HAVE MERCY” – crazy strong electric in the break.
Renegade: Genius southern rock take on an icon Styx song – rich soulful vocals that bring a new twist to a mega classic.
We Roll: Deep in the dirt bluesy rock fueled by fantastic drums and sultry vocals.
Start A Fire: Intro had me channeling Stillwater then smoothly going into a more mainstream rock feel. The sultry sexy breaks in the song will sure be a panty dropper.
Fight or Flight: Great message of living vs. dying – not the strongest song, didn’t dig the vocals.
Can You Hear Me: Strong instrumental – country twang instrumental under tone kept this one a toe tapper. Although I hate the phrase “if you feel me” being used over and over because I feel it takes away from the maturity and growth of the bandits. A good song.
Overall Review:
Between the mature sultry vocals of Eric (Boatright) and outstanding southern rock infused instrumentals this album is a must hear. Southern rock is coming back and Shallow Side is doing their part in making sure it does. From the bands take on Renegade (Styx cover) to a Fire which had me remembering the Stillwater days nothing but impressed with the evolution of this band. Not only does this album get KLICK’ed it also gets a “LAWD HAVE MERCY”
Kristin Kupiec
February 22nd, 2017
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