Manchester Orchestra – The Gold
Band: Manchester Orchestra
Song Review: The Gold
Album: Black Mile To The Surface
Band Members:
Andy Hull
Robert McDowell
Tim Very
Andy Prince
Overall Impression:
I have to start by saying I am literally balling my eyes out while writing this. Sometimes you are fortunate enough to come across or be sent a song that touches you on every level. I am more than touched. This song takes on heart wrenching topics of broken relationships and broken health in such a passionate way that you get lost in a journey. May that journey be thru our own life or just lost in this amazing story they are telling. This song alone needs to be a movie. I urge you to READ THE LYRICS as you listen. The song is a movie. It is a masterpiece from the angelic vocals to the soothing and blend of rock with a twist of country and folk instrumentals. I can not in any way praise this song enough and I feel honored to have reviewed it.
I am 1 person giving my 1 opinion on tracks/records and some may agree some may disagree. That is the beauty of any piece of art, each person sees it different. When it comes down to it I am in radio and I am NOT a journalist nor do I pretend to play one on TV so please no grammar police etc.
Kristin Kupiec
September 12th, 2017
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