
Some Fear None

Some Fear None

Band: Some Fear None

Song Review: Monster

Band Members
Jason Weisker – Drums
Charles Carrasco – Guitar
Gina Salatino – Bass
Randy Highsmith – Vocals

KLICK IT OR FLICK IT? – KLICK THE FUCKING SHIT OUT OF THIS SONG … and then after you KLICKED and listened KLICK IT and listen again!

Overall Impression:

From the haunting guitar break and the truthful lyrics to the low key drum intro this is an all around outstanding song. Listen to the lyrics.. WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE.
An extremely relate-able song (at least to me).

There is nothing more I can say about this song except it is fantastic so put it on your playlist and request it on radio.


I am 1 person giving my 1 opinion on tracks/records and some may agree some may disagree. That is the beauty of any piece of art, each person sees it different.
When it comes down to it I am in radio and I am NOT a journalist nor do I pretend to play one on TV so please no grammer police etc.

Kristin Kupiec

June 23rd, 2017

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